Frequently Asked Questions

How does Counseling differ from other forms of therapy? 

Counseling focuses on more specific issues that are affecting your life now. It offers solutions and feedback directed at solving that issue, with fewer visits necessary. other forms of therapy?   

What education and training do Counselors receive?

Counselors are educated in their fields of expertise. They take courses in psychology, sociology and crisis intervention.

What is an addiction?  

We define or diagnose an addiction with a set of criteria used by American Medical Association. All addictive substance abuse or behaviors follow a cycle of craving, behavior and guilt.

How do you treat addictions? 

We first have to determine the severity of the symptoms. We complete an assessment of problems to form a treatment and recovery plan.

What is an intervention?  

The process is usually initiated by concerned family or friends who witness self-destructive behaviors in their loved one. In the case of addictions, I meet with family, educate them and together we craft a course of action that includes treatment and recovery for all.

How does coaching differ from counseling? 

Coaching differs profoundly from counseling in that it is more of an alliance between coach and client with goals for success centered on personal or professional project. Together we uncover obstacles and examine previous challenges to design a workable plan of action for the individual.  The coach empowers you.  Fortunately I am one of the few coaches who is also highly educated in mind, body and spirit wellness to insure your continual success.

Does a coach act as a mentor? 

No, not usually. The reason that I also provide mentoring services is because I have developed businesses, networking, writing, media presence and teaching success. I have a more personal relationship with those I mentor because we are not faced with the professional limitations of counseling or coaching. We go to events together and call me frequently.

Are there some people who just can’t be hypnotized?                      

Hypnosis is a natural relaxed state of mind. If you can sleep, you can be hypnotized.

How does hypnosis work?      

Hypnosis taps into that 90% of the mind that triggers our subconscious choices; that is why it brings about change so quickly.  Hypnosis reprograms the mind.

Will I be controlled by a hypnotist?  

You will never do anything during a session that you wouldn’t ordinarily do and you will remember all that was said. You are always in control.

How does hypnotherapy differ from traditional therapy? 

Specific results occur more rapidly because the critical mind is resting while we input beneficial suggestions into the more receptive subconscious mind. The therapy aspect uncovers the deep seated cause of current problems.